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Old 08-10-2020, 02:05 PM   #29
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Thumbs down

Originally Posted by mlee View Post
I too agree with digitalfutur and been saying this for quite some time but just beating a dead horse because most just want to mod their cars and this seems to be an easy one to do. Nothing like voiding your warranty for a couple hundred bucks.
Or in the case of California-based vehicles, virtually guaranteeing a technical fail on smog tests, risking a logged "emissions tampering" blotch on the car's record and possibly incurring a trip to a smog referee to sort it out that you are very likely to lose.
Don't shoot the messenger.

Note please that I emphatically did NOT disavow or disparage the use of a quality catch can (like Elite's most certainly is) for V8 applications.

But despite the cost of more frequent oil changes (and so what of it?), there is simply nothing to catch in the intake of my car's LGX V6. Period.
So my personal choice and my personal opinion is that it would be rather foolish to add anyone's (not just Elite's) catch can on my car.

If you get gunk in your intakes, sure, fit a quality catch can if it suits you.
But be sure to remove all traces of it before you visit your local inspection boutique (in places where such visits are required).

As for Mr. Cadogan, I have watched him for years.
He is not a mere media hack, despite his often highly abrasive nature.
Watch him for yourself, listen to what he is actually saying, make up your own mind, form your own opinions.
Do not listen to what someone with a vested interest in selling a product says about him.
Or me alone either for that matter.
Put a catch can on or not, it is your car and your choice and your money.

But for heaven's sake do not trust the oil minder system to tell you when to change the oil.
Change it more often than that if you value your engine.
"Lifetime" transmission fluid fills anyone???
Ask yourself whose lifetime?
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Old 08-11-2020, 11:01 AM   #30
Elite Engineering

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So I'm assuming you did not actually Google LSPI issues as I came up with 32,100 results. This one covers it pretty well, but there are thousands of papers on this:


Then you made the statement we don't show oil analysis or lab reports, when we do all the time.

And then you claim yours has zero ingestion which is impossible. Take your white glove and remove your intake manifold and reach up into the runners and show us pictures. Please show us how your engine is immune to this. I doubt many of the negative from some of the posts, actually tear down these engines weekly like we do in our ongoing efforts to see first hand what occurs.

We also work with others in the industry on all of this from Turbonetics to the Worlds most respected synthetic lubrication lab.

Again, the negative replies are not showing anything technical, yours are just opinions. So please bring actually tech facts,or please stop the harassment.

Other vendors pushing "catchcans" that are a fraction of the effectiveness and benefits and I see none of the 3 constant harassers in their threads.

We have been a supporting vendor since the early days, we provide assistance for all aspects of these cars and engines, so asking one last time to please stay out of these threads if you don't care for our products. STOP the harassment.
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Old 08-11-2020, 11:19 AM   #31

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i think what gets people not believing you (elite engineering) is the frequent evidence that is posted is of non-lgx engines. Granted, there aren't many cars equipped with the lgx and so it's a very small demographic to focus on ...but it's going to be hard to convince people where lots of the subsystem your product is for is unique to the lgx for the very purpose of oil separation and mitigation of valve caking/coking.

I'd stick to just the lgx pictures and test reports if you have any...because posting anything else is just going to keep the argument going round in circles and do less good than you think.

Bonus question though...

You require a drilling into the intake manifold somewhere to tap vacuum, right? Wherever you tap this vacuum, does the kit sell a cap so this kit can be temporarily removed and replaced like stock to circumvent silly federal/state emissions equipment tampering rules? Or do you have a suggested procedure and part number for that purpose?

Swapping an in-line conventional catch can is obviously simple. But i'd want to be sure the vacuum tap is maskable and not something that will end up being visibly modified (i doubt they would take the engine cover off though).
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Old 08-11-2020, 10:32 PM   #32
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"Then you made the statement we don't show oil analysis or lab reports, when we do all the time."
Who are you talking to?
However the last I looked, if I am not sadly mistaken, a turbo charged Ford EcoBoost is not an LGX, or a V8 or an I4.

BTW, if you look carefully I have praised your product repeatedly for applications that do in fact need them.
No more though, don't worry. It will never happen again.

As cellsafemode mentioned though, a cheat plug for emissions testing is indeed a very good idea.
True, the smogologists around here are unlikely to take the cosmetic cover off (assuming you left it in place of course).
But having a bunch of plumbing hanging out with no CARB EO number marked on it is a flaming red flag, trust me.
Decades ago they would tell you (if they were nice) and let you fix it and bring it back.
But not in the past ten years or so, by law. The world changed.
Now it goes straight into the DMV/CARB computer system as a recorded fail.

Have a nice day...

P.S. Elite- I know a dirty manifold when I see one. And a clean one.
I think this says much more about you and how you promote your product.
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Last edited by DIYguy; 08-12-2020 at 11:43 AM.
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Old 08-25-2020, 06:12 PM   #33
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So does Elite get a bill from Camaro6 for hijacking this thread with their advertising?
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Old 08-25-2020, 08:10 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Elite Engineering View Post
And Mike Lee, you are a moderator! What in the World are you doing blatantly breaking rules like this? We are more than happy to have a point by point technical discussion with anyone, especially yourself on every aspect of this. You don't even own a V6!
Too funny... What rule did I break? I guess I'm not allowed to have an opinion and agree with someone you don't agree with. Pretty disappointing you would go that route. I always thought better of Elite.

Originally Posted by CamaroRSOnt View Post
So does Elite get a bill from Camaro6 for hijacking this thread with their advertising?
Yes, apparently this is their thread now and discussions can only go one way.
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Old 09-12-2020, 09:25 AM   #35
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So Elite and their catch can advertising basically pooched this thread which had some interesting info on the longevity of the V6! Great !! I had one of their catch cans on my C7 , will go somewhere else should I choose to put one on my Camaro.
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Old 09-12-2020, 10:40 AM   #36

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Based on Elites info, I'd like to know what makes the LGX specifically any worse than any other good modern direct injected motor. I mean if the issues were as bad as Elite is saying here, then wouldn't it stand to reason that it's similar to other direct injected cars today? And if that's the case then most of these vehicles are in for problems down the road. I guess my point is that there are plenty of modern direct injected vehicles on the road today with 100-200k miles without issues (and without catch cans) so what makes the LGX so different? Maybe I'm missing something here, but this just seems a bit odd
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Old 04-10-2024, 12:03 PM   #37
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Just make sure you put an oil catch can on it and use CRC valve cleaner every 10K miles.
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Old 01-05-2025, 01:49 PM   #38
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Mine is a 2016 and has 191,300 miles and is solid. Only a couple minor sensors and a thermostat replace but other than that solid!!
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Old 01-21-2025, 10:59 AM   #39
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Just change the oil often. 40 percent left change the oil, 6 months since the last change, change the oil. P0172 p0174, change the oil. Your bored and want to do something, change the oil.
Ive seen so many of the previous ly7 fail from just lack of oil. People are usually too stubborn to admit it was something they did or didn't do. They are quick to say its the engine that has a problem but really the problem the engine has is an owner that doesn't think changing oil is important.
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