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Old 09-08-2018, 05:38 PM   #192

Drives: 2019 2LT 2.0T M6 Riverside Blue
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: WA
Posts: 847
There are always people predicting "doom and gloom" or how the performance car is going away. It gets page views to say things like that, because people see the headline and click based on fear--"oh no, is my favorite type of car going away?"

Guess what its not going away. People were saying that back in the 70's too. As long as there have been cars, there have been race cars. And there will always be performance/race oriented cars. The tech may change but people will always like going fast around corners, whether its in planes, cars, bikes, roller coasters, whatever.

And since it is not possible for most people to have a dedicated race car at home, there will ALWAYS be a market for cars that feature modern safety and convenience features in addition to high performance. Always.

And tech comes in waves that don't always last. Remember "compact florescent bulbs"? Touted as "the future" and within a few short years almost every single light bulb was switched out to a compact florescent. Fast forward to today, and it turns out we brought an even better technology to market--LED. And now people are finding themselves with boxes full of CFL bulbs that are outdated and inefficient compared to the new LEDs.

The same thing could happen with electric cars. Everyone converts over and then as soon as it started, it could be over. Algae produced diesel could come back and wipe out the entire electric car market, and there could be entire warehouses full of heavy, complicated batteries just sitting there needing to be dealt with, meanwhile a brand new technology that is better completely supercedes it.

This is how technology and human ingenuity works. The status quo is periodically disrupted and the entire landscape changes within a short time, ushering in the next era of whatever it happens to be. And as we've seen, there can be stops along the way that SEEM like real change, but really just a placeholder for the next truly big idea. Electric vehicles, to me, have the feel of being a placeholder. I could be wrong, but that's just how it feels to me.
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