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Old 10-18-2016, 08:48 PM   #10

Drives: 2016 Camaro SS
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Mount Dora, FL
Posts: 779
Originally Posted by Hyper1SS View Post
Thanks for the great write up and pictures!! Also thanks for taking the time to test the system and making the necessary tweaks. Once installed and the tune added is there any tweaks we need to make?
Valid question... I will have to write up a relatively lengthy response to address it properly. If you choose not to implement the optional changes (except for the cranking tables) you will be good to go but may not be maximizing the torque output. If you implement the optional changes (not including the cranking tables) you will likely have to tweak the high octane table at the upper load, upper RPM areas to minimize knock retard. Those areas of the tables are extrapolations more than anything. As the weather gets cooler you may hit areas of the table that need some tweaking. When I say tweaking it could literally be just a degree or two of timing to clean it up in specific spots. I've got many many logs under my belt on this and my personal tune was meticulously done to get things as perfect as possible on my car. My personal tune also blends my E10 tune and E85 tune in a way that I didn't compromise one for the other.

Shift points on the A8 are another area that don't "need" to be changed but should be changed if you are maximizing everything. The stock shift points may no longer be ideal. I created a Matlab script to read in my Dynojet torque curve and calculate the new shift points based on that curve.

Enabling the Flex Fuel sensor is relatively straight forward but as you start getting into more advanced issues of blending gas and E85 tunes, or trying to maximize everything, there are a lot of subtleties that I don't think most would pay attention to. I learned a lot when doing the straight E85 tune.

Best thing to do is just ask questions as you go. Trying to explain how/why would take too long

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