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Old 06-24-2016, 07:13 AM   #21
pdrumans's Avatar
Drives: 2LT Red Hot 2.0t
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Saint Petersburg, FL
Posts: 103
Funny story, It was raining hard and I parked my car in my parking spot. I had turned off the radio (which I normally do not do) and got out of the car, then hit the lock button as I was running inside. Out of habit, I always look to see the parking lights flash when locking. There was no flash but I heard the door lock. I tried it a few times and same thing, could hear the door lock, but no flash. I thought it was strange and that I would investigate after the rain stopped. About 10 mins later I went to the window and looked out to the car and tried it again. No flash. About 10 mins more the rain stopped and I went out to the car and I thought, do I hear that my car is running? I could barely hear it because the engine is very quiet at idle and yes I had left the car running when I got out. Normally I'm used to hearing the radio turn off when I open the door after shutting of the car. I guess with it raining so hard, I did not hear or feel the engine was still on. Well now I do pay that extra bit of attention. I guess I was just getting to used to having the radio shut off as I open the door to confirm the car is off. One of the things that you do out of habit but do not think about. At least the lack of a flash caught my eye or I could have left the car running for who knows how long.
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