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Old 12-12-2015, 07:54 PM   #39

Drives: New : 2017 SS 1LE Old: 2012 TTRS M6
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Calgary/Vancouver
Posts: 810
Originally Posted by Bhobbs View Post
MRC is not needed for a car like the 1LE. The 1LE is relatively focused, so daily driving comfort isn't really a factor in the set up. It's also a relatively affordable package. I would rather they put the money into bigger brakes than MRC.

Simple competitive market economics .... The Shelby 350 has it as an option... Why would GM give up a competitive advantage?

MRC is already a SS option... It's not hard to have dedicated track shocks as standard on the 1LE package or have modified 1LE tuning of MRC as a seperate stand alone option apart from the 1LE package....

For those of you blessed with non stop warm weather a smooth, non frost heaved roads.... There are a lot of camaro enthusiasts that would love a 1LE and its hardcore handling for track runs and smooth roads...yet we have to contend with hellacious stretches of road on our commute... And can only afford one daily driver...

Detroit roads are a perfect example... Many roads in Canada are affected by huge variances in temperature as well...

Do I ask too much to have the OPTION of checking off the MRC box while als checking off the 1LE box?
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