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Old 09-08-2013, 10:55 AM   #13
Drives: 2012 Camaro 2SS/RS Convertible, IBM
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Oregon
Posts: 1,015
Great write up there Tram, glad to hear of your experience. Camaros and Corvettes aren't your "normal" car, I wanted mine since I was 9yrs old.

So we are a bit more passionate about them.

And for everyone, what Tram states is the God's truth: Don't personalize it, document everything, use the process and stay focused. As I have overly stated many times, I was a GM customer service manager, albeit an internship when I was doing my MBA. I bought back a Corvette and it made the local news in the guy's area, as it was "so unheard of". This was in Feb 2000. I still get e-mails from the guy at my house, ha.

Bottom line is that the guy went through the process and I spent a lot of time with him and the dealer and even an engineer down in Bowling Green, KY, home of the Vette factory. The engineer wanted the car back to find out what the issue was and that is what I used to justify the buyback.
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