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Old 03-13-2013, 02:06 PM   #28

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Originally Posted by chef-beavis View Post
I'm not saying it's good or bad, either way, but all of the people demanding huge weight cuts on this car are also screaming there's too much plastic, the paint is too thin, the body dents too easy, etc. You can't expect to have your cake and eat it, too. Life is full of compromise; so is engineering and manufacturing.

It's coming whether we like it or not. I'm glad I've got mine. I hope for good things to come for the rest of you. If you only car about weight and performance, start removing components that don't figure into that equation. Making the chassis thinner just leaves you with a noodle, at some point.
Isn't that why the camaro SS was produced? For performance? Both the mustang and challenger outperform the SS. Now I understand the challenger has 45HP more than an SS but a mustang has less HP and out performs it. If you're buying the car for looks alone then get a V6. Guys who want the muscle performance from the factory should get just that. It's a war, but the camaro SHOULD outperform in many categories. And weight has become an issue that they can cut back on.

Life is short, drive it like you stole it!
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