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Old 02-01-2013, 09:22 PM   #20
Captain Awesome
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Originally Posted by truth411 View Post
LOL!!!! Completely disagree with this post. As my little brother says "Cool story bro". But I know we cant go there. Anywho I dont like E15, but our nation does need a more diverse energy portfolio, instead of just oil, that wont work long term and place under the mercy of the Saudis.

"At the mercy of the Saudis" my left tailpipe!!! You need better information sources!

I don't get it. A few years ago when I was in college we openly mocked the foolish ideas that the loser old virgin nerdy professors with their leather elbow patched tweed jackets were saying.

On the one hand, we knew these types were complete morons who fancied themselves smarter than us, but in reality they were total misfits and losers.

On the other hand, their crackpot ideas would never hold up to scrutiny or open debate.

Lastly, as yound adults, we rejected authority and were rebellious and wanted to learn things for ourselves.

It's kind of sad that the education system and media has completely brainwashed the youth and they repeat the claptrap and respect and honor the loons that would have been completely rejected just 10 years ago.
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