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Old 02-01-2013, 09:10 PM   #19
Captain Awesome
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Originally Posted by truth411 View Post
There is a desire among many in the nation to be independent of foreign petroleum, while i totally agree some ideas out there are silly. The push to be energy independent is a good push, we just dont know what would be the best and affordable way to get there. While there are some kooks out there thats places the birds over people, the vast majority on this subject wants the nation to be energy independent, the kooks are in the minority. So respectfully i think your post is a mis-characterzation of the vast majoity of people who want to be energy independent. America consume 20% of the worlds oil yet we only produce 2%, combine with the fact that other nations are rapidly industrializing (china alone will sooner or later consume more oil than america, Europe combined). Not sure how much longer we can keep this up, this is not the 1950s anymore where america is the only player in the game. Also if america is energy independent, money would stay in America and not go over seas, i dont know how anyone can spin that in a negative way. Anywho...
You do realize that we would be 100% energy independent if we could just fetch all the oil which is beneath our feet that the whackos refuse to let us touch?

We have natural gas too. Hundreds of years worth of it.

That gives us PLENTY of time to develop cold fusion or zero point generators.

The way we are going now, we'll all be living in mud huts and nobody will be able to afford to invest in these new idea energy companies, and those that do will not be inclined to because they may be accused of being motivated by profit and thrown in a gulag.
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