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Old 09-12-2011, 12:57 PM   #98

Drives: 10 IBM SS RS/14 1500 Z71
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Location: Lehigh Valley, PA
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Originally Posted by Wasp View Post
I know this happens to the majority of you, but not to this degree.

I park in the parking lot at work beside the official pace car vert camaro. Very nice. 6 hours later I come out and leave for lunch. When I come back, i see the owner coming out and walk toward his car. When im positive its his car i start waving and flailing my arms everywhere trying to say hello while i am having a phone call. He had enough time to put something in his trunk, get in, roll down his windows and fold the top back and i even beeped the horn when he was driving off. Not even a glance.

NO Fking way.

Never seen such snobs in my life. Ive even been flipped off before waving at a v6 when it passed by. Wish Camaro owners would stop acting like rich snobs. This is exactly how BMW and Mercedes people should be acting. Not a big family like Chevy.
A lot of it is the way you approach it too... I wouldn't wave at you either. A quick wave is fine, but if you're going to act like a mental patient and wave like crazy, flash your lights, honk your horn, then I'm going to tell you to f*ck off.
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