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Old 06-22-2023, 06:54 AM   #9
Drives: 2023 ZL1 Shark Skin
Join Date: Aug 2015
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Posts: 79
Originally Posted by 50MileSmile View Post
You’re driving it wrong (and missing some fun), if you’re not getting a kick in the pants in a 1LE. And, as you noted, you’ll be adding a little wear and tear to the clutch. Second gear starts are for ice and snow, because you get a little tire slip that helps save the clutch. So, from a stop, try easing off the clutch in first gear at idle, roll for a few feet, and then hit the gas. You’ll soon figure out how to get both feet working together for big fun.

Wait until you discover high-rpm, rev-matching downshifts: There’s nothing quite so orgasmic as the perfect 3-2 downshift!

This is the way. You don't need to provide this car any gas upon pulling out. Slowly and lightly just let out the clutch and it will start to roll without any gas. Eventually, you'll get the timing just right and be able to floor it in Mexico Safely.

Go to some large giant parking lot and practice. Watch some YouTube videos as well. If Chevy gets the idea you wore your Trans out of being a greenhorn they will refuse to honor the warranty.
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