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Old 09-23-2021, 06:20 PM   #29
Drives: 2020 SS 1LE
Join Date: Aug 2020
Location: NorCal
Posts: 661
Originally Posted by Timbo-1LE View Post
Let me add, the Rallye 3 has ASM, which to my understanding acts like a factory system, the inside belt has a section which allows the pelvis to move in an accident. Recommend you look it up for specific details. Again, research and make calls. As I stated I had 3 calls with the vendors before I moved forward. I'm a bit overboard on safety, as I have 3 Simpson Hybrid's, one for me and two others (different sizes) for anyone who rides, along with 3 different suits. To my understanding per input from doctors, after the helmet, the Hybrid is most critical, its just too bad they cost so much.

So, I haven't purchased the belt yet because here's another observation I just made...

The recaros are great seats overall. However, the headrest tilts forward. In street driving, this isn't a problem. On the track, I normally recline the seat a little more so that my helmet isn't constantly bumping into the headrest. That said, I just sat in my car, helmet on and pressed my shoulders against the seat trying to recreate what would occur with the harness. I gotta say, I didn't love how my helmet made contact with the headrest forcing my head to tilt forward.

Do you have that experience or if not, how do you counter it?
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