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Old 02-23-2021, 11:44 AM   #9
MR's 2SS
Drives: 2020 2SS Vert/M6/F250 SD
Join Date: Jan 2021
Location: Jersey
Posts: 379
I couldnt open either attachment. But...
Theres plenty of street racing "fails" vids on youtube.
I grew up street racing. The kind of thing we did in the early 70's was street drags. Either impromptu red light races until someone was ahead enough that it was obvious who was faster... or there were a few desolate stretches of 4 lane highway with lights. And we would drop a spotter off at the finish line and use the stoplight for a tree.
What Im seeing on some of these vids are assclowns redlining their cars... often really expensive cars.. to the rev limiter and drifting on the street. Often directly into poles or buildings because they held it too long to ever recover from in an area with zero runoff.
I dont get it.
We used to run side by side on deserted stretches of say 539 through the Pine Barrens here in Jersey. In 1972 there was no one out there. Straight road for 5 miles invites top end runs. But even then there was mostly a large swath of sand on either side which they cleared for future expansion if needed.
There were a few times someone had to hit the sand because an unexpected vehicle was coming the other way over a rise in the road.
Crazy kids.
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