Thread: Oil leak help
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Old 01-19-2021, 11:23 AM   #3
Drives: 17 2SS 6sp
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Location: Bad Roads, North Jersey
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Originally Posted by SSDan View Post
There have been reports of oil leaks around the engine oil cooler due to loose bolts. And of course - always check the oil filter especially if it was changed anytime soon before you stopped driving it for the season. Also it is not a wise practice to start a car once a week and then let it idle for 10 minutes. That will lead to contaminated oil from condensation and gasoline wash down because at idle the engine runs rich. It never really gets hot enough at idle to burn off the condensation. The engine needs a load once running. If you can't drive the car for 20 -30 minutes then don't start it.

Good luck with finding the oil leak. That's a lot of oil for overnight. That is bad and good. Bad that it leaked that much but good in that it should make finding the leaking area easier.
Thank you, great help! I should be able to get it on the lift next week and will have a close look especially at the things you mentioned.

Also - Always seems to be a controversial thing - whether to start car or not. The way you explain it makes perfect sense though
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