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Old 02-24-2020, 06:08 PM   #2
Abubaca's Avatar
Drives: 2016 SS
Join Date: Oct 2019
Location: Jamestown NC
Posts: 465
There's no real comparison. Even the T56 is better. ...except for weight of course. The M22 took a beating, but from cars with half our horsepower putting even less down through the tires. You know what they say about meeting your heroes...

Edit* I did a lot of research on the subject when I was picking a transmission for my Iroc. Wasn't considering an M22 but it came up quite a bit during research. Ended up with a Tremec TKO. There's countless pieces of info worth dissecting, but just like the infamous Borg Warner T5's, the smaller cases would flex. The low grind angle of the gears (hence the rock crusher noise) help redirect flexing forces, as well as different metallurgy in the gears compared to the M20 and 21 it helped, but they still would fail. There's a great article I read about how modern computer R&D allows for testing for all the flexing forces a transmission experiences. They talk about how ALL the old school transmission would flex and ultimately fail. Nowadays you plug in a few parameters and poof - bomb proof case specs courtesy of less computing power than you have in your watch. Modern tech is truly amazing. Modern transmissions fail because of cheap production parts used to keep costs down, but the inherent designs are pretty rock solid.

Last edited by Abubaca; 02-24-2020 at 06:26 PM.
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