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Old 10-10-2019, 06:37 AM   #168
Petrol Head
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Originally Posted by Baldilocks01SS View Post
Sounds like some of you need a history lesson as to why there were unions in the first place.

While I agree that lately they have been problematic, if it weren't for Unions, many of the things you enjoy today wouldn't be here.
Like I said in my previous post, we can give thanks to the unions for what they did for us back in the 1920s-40s. They really were vital to creating a safe work environment and minimum wage.

Today we have laws that protect those, and minimum wage is not nor should ever be considered something to make a career on.

Unions today are no longer needed. I have a pretty firm grasp of history, so I understand what you are saying. But again, unions TODAY are no longer needed. 70+ years ago, yes absolutely 100% without a doubt.

But not today. Keep in mind, companies now utilize the human resources department which really does work effectively as a place for employees to "air their gripes" so to speak.

The turning point from where unions went from being important and required to a bog on the company started in the 1960s. The unions started taking their power to control the companies. The simple threat of a strike would wind up with a re-negotiated contract that gave the floor sweepers $20.00/hr, free healthcare, and let people leave early and their "buddy" punching out for them. Floor managers were powerless to discipline workers for bad behavior.

Then you add politics and other nonsense, it becomes far more complicated than simply building a car. That's what they're employed to do. Nothing else. That's what they are PAID to do, and at least with car production they really do a job that anyone can do. They should not be protected carte blanche.
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