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Old 08-25-2019, 09:34 PM   #3234
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Originally Posted by Chadicus View Post
Is it just me or is the fact that the GT350R has a higher MSRP than the GT500 does is a bit of a red flag? Why would Ford think they can sell a 350R for more than a 500? I just have a gut feeling the base 500 is going to be stripped down with no options and not really offer anything but straight line speed. (To 180 anyway).
I don't know what the hell Ford is thinking but it is clear that they've lost their minds. Maybe the C8 announcement short-circuited their wiring or something. I mean...I just don't know what to say about any of this. I certainly can't make heads or tails of it.

Basically it looks like the 350R jumped up in price by $10,000 considering that it was about the same price as the standard ZL1. But now it costs more than even the ZL1. By $5,000. And it does not stand a chance against the ZL1, ZLE, C8, or C8 Z51 each of which costs thousands less.

If I were to take a wild stab in the dark, the only thing I can come up with is:

1 - Ford realized that people were willing to spend $10,000 more on the MSRP of the car so they raised it.

2 - Ford spent soo much money developing the GT500 that the only way to recoup it without shooting the MSRP higher than it already is would be to raise prices across the board.

3 - Maybe all the recalls, blown engines (lots of people are on the 2nd and even 3rd engine), issues, fixes they had to apply, lawsuits, etc costed them a lot of money and they had to increase the price to keep things ok in the financial department.

2 and 3 seem more likely to me. Because while I never underestimate stupidity, I highly doubt anyone would want to see a $10K increase in one MY for nothing extra and smile about it no matter how much they think the car is worth. I'm thinking Ford bit off more than they could chew between the expensive Voodoo engine, the Bullitt, rushing to completely remake the GT, the aforementioned GT350(R) troubles, and then designing and releasing the GT500. And didn't they see a decrease in sales too? So it all sounds weird to me and like the makings of some future trouble for ole BO.

On a side note, their customers are now spending 1 tier higher money for lower performance. Before the GT350 was a little more expensive than the SS. But now it is at ZL1 prices. The R is more than the ZLE by a LOT. They both are more than a C8. The GT500 is more than the ZLE. And the CF GT500 is way up in the stratosphere. It costs more than a Trackhawk. LOL!! And I thought the Trackhawk was expensive despite it's practical uses. So who is paying all this money for sub-par performance is what I want to know. Who is buying the GT350R at $74,000?
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