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Old 06-20-2019, 10:08 AM   #4

cellsafemode's Avatar
Drives: 2016 Camaro 1LT
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They'll deal with it by OEM's completely locking down ECU programming. which is already something that is in the works according to various sources.

Sadly, electric cars wont be a new frontier of modding and tinkering as pretty much every company putting out electric cars is going the route of cell phones and john deere with always connected proprietary software and proprietary hardware.

The days of being a car enthusiast are numbered... Personal transportation is a dirty word. And really, it needs to be for anything bigger than a motorcycle as the infrastructure to support cars is just too expensive as far as society is concerned. I feel bad for anyone who's main and only hobby is working on cars as the golden days of doing that are going to be gone well within my lifetime.
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