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Old 07-25-2018, 01:20 PM   #12
Account Suspended
Drives: 17 SS 1LE | 07 S2K
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: Arizona
Posts: 375
I hate the stupid questions that have been answered 1000x, but more than that I can't really stand the fact that this forum does everything it can to discourage great content that is borne out of passionate discussion. You simply aren't allowed to stand up for yourself, correct someone when they are wrong... and as a result misinformation and opinions are passed along as fact.

Really has to suck for the lesser-educated that don't know any better and can't really discern what is valid and what isn't. Passion is key, enthusiasm is passion... doing anything to stifle that doesn't help improve the community imo.

...and I'll just await my ban for posting this.
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