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Old 07-17-2018, 08:31 AM   #74

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Originally Posted by 50MileSmile View Post
Wow - were you run over by a Mustang as a young child? This is a lot of anger over a car that doesn’t meet your standards, especially since the manufacturer has attached disclaimers all over it.

Having worked in and around the automotive industry for many years (including testing and racing), that’s exactly what I’m saying. It’s called bragging rights.
Nope. But i did own 2 GTs and tracked one of them extensively. Bragging rights are fine, but only if a car is capable of meeting them. I bought my 1le because i can brag that it beat a mighty z28 around Laguna at half the price and that i have passed evey GT4 ive ever met on a track thus far

Bragging in the media about aero tuning by a pro driver for 140mph corners while attaching anti track use disclaimers at the same time does indeed disappoint me as it makes such effort completely irrelevant. Thats kinda like marketing new and improved condoms but warning the public they cant use them for real sex.

Overall, the whole effort was very clever for marketing purposes, but pointless for consumers, including all the hoopla about skunk works project by Ford enthusiast engineers and such.
Unless Ford condones taking corners at such speeds on public roads, which i doubt they do.

It is also worth mentioning that of all pony cars it is the Mustang which has had the biggest decrease in sales over the last 3 or so years. 33% to 30% for Camaro (if i recall details correctly) vs modest growth for Challenger. Ford needs to let the dogs out vs creating artificial barriers for enthusiasts. Just imo.
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