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Old 02-03-2018, 01:01 PM   #35
kkriskal's Avatar
Drives: 2018 2SS Triple Black Performance
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: Colorado Springs, CO
Posts: 43
Here is the update
First of all, thank you all so so very much for your kindness, concern and all the great advice.
@Gunkk, as per your recommendation, I found a Tire shop who was willing to get the Blizzaks the same day and fix it too. I said ok, then they asked me for Wheel Lock Nut, searched all over the car. Guess what, I remembered that just the previous weekend, I emptied the entire car so I can take it to the wash and vaccume, wash all the mats and stuff, so I left it in my Garage and forgot to put it back in the car.

@01LS1, this was some very important information you shared, had No idea about Vail Pass. Googled it, saw pictures and said No way I am going there at this time of the year now that I didn’t have the option of replacing my tires while at OR.

@SLO, thank you so much for the offer, I just made up my mind that I am Not driving via Wyoming again during this time of the year with the performance tires.

@Need4Camaro And @R.C. Collins, this is exactly what I decided to do and did. Thank you so much for recommending this route. Went on I-5 all the way to Bakersfield, CA99 and I-15 to I-40, all the way to Albuquerque, joined I-25 North and back home. There was rain throughout OR and little bit of the initial part of CA but after that, dry, dry and dry all the way home.

It was exactly 2291 miles and 36 hours of driving to get back but was worth every mile of it since I avoided snow completely. Thank you for suggesting this route.

We Are Back Home, Thank God.

After I came back, I washed the car (it looked like a white car), then when I was waxing it, I noticed that my clear bra was completely destroyed on both sides (I have my entire car wrapped in clear bra). The rear area near the rear wheels, the doors and front fender below the line on the door exactly like what is described in this thread. It looked so ugly as if someone painted the lower part of my car white. Imagine what would have happened if I did Not have the clear bra, that would have been the end of my car's paint. This was the only good decision from me out of this whole thread.

I guess this is because of driving thousands of miles on Salt, Sand, Gravel, Rain and stuff. So this is what I had to do post my trip and that’s why the delay in sharing the update

1. Fixed appointment to replace the damaged area of the clear bra. Completed and it now looks brand new as if nothing happened.
2. Fixed an appointment for Oil change, multipoint inspection, pretty much to check everything and clean the engine bay since it had a white powdery coating, guess that was the salt so had to get that completely cleaned out.
3. Washed it again and waxed the brains out of it.
4. Oh, I have now kept the wheel lock nut safe in the trunk under the mats

Because of filling gas in so many places, both my credit card information was stolen in one of the gas stations and had fraud transactions on both cards so was getting those cards cancelled and getting new cards and stuff. What a crazy 2 weeks. From now on, have to yank at the card reader in the gas stations to ensure it is not tampered with.

All work done, baby is all shiny and is now resting in the Garage for the weekend. I would have usually taken it out especially on such beautiful sunny weekend but my baby deserves the rest after what I put her through.

Last edited by kkriskal; 02-04-2018 at 04:20 PM.
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