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LARRY01Z28 06-18-2009 01:03 PM

weight ?? 1ss / 2ss
ok i know weird question. but what is the weight difference between a 1SS and 2SS.
does anybody know for sure. 6 speed weights i owuld prefer. thanks. Larry

Tsudy 06-18-2009 01:19 PM

LARRY01Z28 06-19-2009 09:13 AM

ok, im in the middle of the ocean. trying to DL this.
ive been waiting for 45 minutes so far.
maybe it will eventually DL.
if anyone knows the weigths and just post them for me i would really apprecaite it. thanks larry

Legend 06-19-2009 09:17 AM

Says 3860 for the manual SS...doesn't break it down by 1SS/2SS.

CGM2SSRS 06-19-2009 09:19 AM

3913 for the auto

LARRY01Z28 06-19-2009 09:22 AM

ok i tried ot DL it and it will not let me.
can some one please look and tell me the weights. or email me the pdf file to

LARRY01Z28 06-19-2009 09:28 AM

ok cool guys. i apprecaite it. guess ill have to wait to get some real world weights.

kdoske 06-19-2009 12:21 PM

no one wants to answer your question because your lazy. In the 45 minutes you have been complaining about the pdf file that someone gave you didn't download or the entire DAY that you waited for someone to give the answer to you rather then looking it up your self you could have found it in less then 5mins if you would just search on google, the search feature here, or heres something crazy, using the Wiki found above on this website.

Google Search result:

Camaro5 Search result:

Camaro 5 Wiki result:

All three above took me about 3 mins

JJ#48Racing 06-19-2009 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by kdoske (Post 600262)
no one wants to answer your question because your lazy. In the 45 minutes you have been complaining about the pdf file that someone gave you didn't download or the entire DAY that you waited for someone to give the answer to you rather then looking it up your self you could have found it in less then 5mins if you would just search on google, the search feature here, or heres something crazy, using the Wiki found above on this website.

Google Search result:

Camaro5 Search result:

Camaro 5 Wiki result:

All three above took me about 3 mins

None of your links answered his question. The question was what is the weight difference of a 1SS and a 2SS? Not auto or manual, or V6 or V8. Maybe you should read the thread a little closer before trying to put someone down.

OP, I don't think those weights are published. I'd imagine it's not much a difference anyway. My GUESS is no more than 30lbs.

lordfriday2 06-19-2009 01:00 PM

bit harsh there aren't we?? to answer the OP..i dont know specifics though 1ss is lighter... if for any reason the leather heated seats in the 2ss are heavier...

Vash 06-19-2009 01:01 PM

That's why I want just an LS with everything ripped out. Primer and a custom v8 installed and the steelies (light sleeper).

But the 1SS and 2SS probably little difference. It's only a few things added nothing heavy.

LabRat 06-19-2009 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by kdoske (Post 600262)
no one wants to answer your question because your lazy. In the 45 minutes you have been complaining about the pdf file that someone gave you didn't download or the entire DAY that you waited for someone to give the answer to you rather then looking it up your self you could have found it in less then 5mins if you would just search on google, the search feature here, or heres something crazy, using the Wiki found above on this website.

Google Search result:

Camaro5 Search result:

Camaro 5 Wiki result:

All three above took me about 3 mins


He is obviously Military, in the middle of the freaking ocean, using the piss poor WiFi that they are afforded, and you come off like that to someone that is serving your country?

I think you need a bitchslap!




LARRY01Z28 06-20-2009 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by kdoske (Post 600262)
no one wants to answer your question because your lazy. In the 45 minutes you have been complaining about the pdf file that someone gave you didn't download or the entire DAY that you waited for someone to give the answer to you rather then looking it up your self you could have found it in less then 5mins if you would just search on google, the search feature here, or heres something crazy, using the Wiki found above on this website.

Google Search result:

Camaro5 Search result:

Camaro 5 Wiki result:

All three above took me about 3 mins

OK first off i did do a search. and i could not find a weight difference in the 1SS and the 2SS. i did not go to google. so i guess that was my fault.
my internet is very very slow. we can not DL pictures, or files or anyhting really. i get internt for about 2 hours a day if im lucky. thats if im not out on the flight deck when the internet comes up.
thank you for your time in posting up th einfo you found.

thank you to all the other people that spoke up for me. I am active duty military, we are fighting the war on terror. and we do not have very good internet at all. think of your worst dial up ever. and times it by 10. lol

thanks again.


kdoske 06-20-2009 11:48 AM

Yeah I do need a bitch slap!

Anyway, my bad larry, I didn't read the question properly! As others have said, to answer your real question, I dont think there is much a weight difference at all between the two. Pretty much the same car.

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