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Captain Awesome 01-30-2013 10:20 PM

Yay! The E15 gas some people have to use can RUIN your engine!

3 cheers for the EPA!

Jason@JacFab 01-30-2013 10:37 PM

What about E85? Wouldn't that supposedly be even worse? Plenty of people running that stuff. :iono:

derklug 01-30-2013 11:01 PM

People using E85 are using it in Flexfuel vehicles. E15 is being mandated for non-flexfuel vehicles and is causing issues.

truth411 01-30-2013 11:50 PM

This is old news, but if i remeber correctly, E15 will be clearly labeled on the gas pumps and it wont replace E10. So the consumer dont have to use it, which i wont so no problem.

Captain Awesome 01-31-2013 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by truth411 (Post 6104397)
This is old news, but if i remeber correctly, E15 will be clearly labeled on the gas pumps and it wont replace E10. So the consumer dont have to use it, which i wont so no problem.

Why don't they just pump 100% Petroleum based gasoline, which is cheaper and better for the cars? Then we can send more corn to feed starving people around the world.

Oh. Nevermind. I just remembered why... The planet is a diety, the people are just parasites.

Brian 1LE SS 01-31-2013 10:04 AM

I guess all that corn lobby money is paying off. This is a classic example of what is wrong with our country.

Russo 01-31-2013 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by Brian 1LE SS (Post 6105355)
I guess all that corn lobby money is paying off. This is a classic example of what is wrong with our country.

+1 "market manipulation", the discrete slogan of big government politicians

Scalded Dog 01-31-2013 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Captain Awesome (Post 6104755)
... The planet is a diety, the people are just parasites.

That's great! Hope you don't mind, but I am going to pilfer that phrase, and start using it regularly... there are plenty of opportunities every day for me to inject that little bit o' wisdom into a conversation!

Lou_Dorchen 01-31-2013 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Brian 1LE SS (Post 6105355)
I guess all that corn lobby money is paying off. This is a classic example of what is wrong with our country.

Don't just blame them. It's also the environmentalists demanding this as well. Those idiots wont be happy until we are back in horses and buggies. Of course I'd rather be around the exhaust from internal combustion engines than horse waste, but that's just me.

Captain Awesome 02-01-2013 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by Scalded Dog (Post 6107047)
That's great! Hope you don't mind, but I am going to pilfer that phrase, and start using it regularly... there are plenty of opportunities every day for me to inject that little bit o' wisdom into a conversation!

This is the mentality of some of these people. I've seen documentaries they've made where they talk about "overpopulation" and how to control it because of the "dwindling" uninhabited land of the USA. Are you (*@&$ kidding me? Take a cross country flight and look out the window! It's HUGELY unpopulated.

They make it so we can't buy a toilet that can flush 5 squares of toilet paper because it can't "waste" water, and we can only get shower heads that don't flow for the same reason. Never mind that 7/10ths of the surface of the planet is covered in water. We must preserve it! (it's not like it goes away when you flush it or drink it.... it just goes back into the earth after you use it, so it's not getting used up like oil, etc. You have to work at it to turn water into something not water)

The most annoying thing is that they think that the Earth is static and unchanging unless the parasites are involved. Change only happens due to people. They act like the temperature has always been as cool as it was 20 years ago and only now is it behaving unusually! They actually say that last year was "The hottest year EVER!!!" to scare people. It's the hottest year since people wrote down such records. Maybe 200 years or so? What's 200 divided by 4.54 billion? That's the fraction of years we have recorded out of all time. We have pretty good evidence that the planet was much hotter just a few million years ago.

We also have pretty good evidence that the northern half of the USA was covered in miles thick glaciers just 10-20K years ago, and nobody was around then to make SUVs or build coal power plants.

If there's any real truth to what these people claim, it's lost in all the noise and propaganda that they spew out. They lose all credibility when they ignore science and attack people who are skeptical.

LIVEVIL 02-01-2013 12:57 PM


People using E85 are using it in Flexfuel vehicles.
Plenty of people using E85 is non flex fuel vehicle. Somehow that's ok, or E10 is ok...but E15 is so horrible it melts fuel systems on the spot.

camaro-dreamer 02-01-2013 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by LIVEVIL (Post 6110209)
Plenty of people using E85 is non flex fuel vehicle. Somehow that's ok, or E10 is ok...but E15 is so horrible it melts fuel systems on the spot.

It does not happen on the spot nor does it necessarily "melt" fuel systems. In fact, the very definition of "melt" would not be expected to apply here as it refers to a completely different chemical process. However, fuel systems that are not designed for higher ethanol content will have problems. Since you do not agree with the notion of high ethanol fuel content causing fuel system problems from the members here, maybe you would prefer to argue with the Society of Automotive Engineers: .

truth411 02-01-2013 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Captain Awesome (Post 6104755)
Why don't they just pump 100% Petroleum based gasoline, which is cheaper and better for the cars? Then we can send more corn to feed starving people around the world.

Oh. Nevermind. I just remembered why... The planet is a diety, the people are just parasites.

There is a desire among many in the nation to be independent of foreign petroleum, while i totally agree some ideas out there are silly. The push to be energy independent is a good push, we just dont know what would be the best and affordable way to get there. While there are some kooks out there thats places the birds over people, the vast majority on this subject wants the nation to be energy independent, the kooks are in the minority. So respectfully i think your post is a mis-characterzation of the vast majoity of people who want to be energy independent. America consume 20% of the worlds oil yet we only produce 2%, combine with the fact that other nations are rapidly industrializing (china alone will sooner or later consume more oil than america, Europe combined). Not sure how much longer we can keep this up, this is not the 1950s anymore where america is the only player in the game. Also if america is energy independent, money would stay in America and not go over seas, i dont know how anyone can spin that in a negative way. Anywho...

Russo 02-01-2013 03:47 PM

well you said it, America produces too little and consumes too much... its why the asians will overtake us and we'll be falling more and more behind.. both in debt and as a figurative leader.. we have certainly overstepped our boundaries as a nation and created a self inflicted death sentence... the only thing keeping us afloat is that the European market is generally worse than ours and the world still accepts our dollar as the reserve currency... all it would take is for a gold backed currency to become famous and easily obtainable and we are toast.. when reality finally does come to a head, like it has in Greece, you can be sure all the entitlement driven people (from social security to food stamps) will riot, but this time it's going to be worse.. that is why the establishment overstates these shootings because it's a subconsious way to persuade people to give up their guns, so that when the dollar does tank, the government can manage the animals better...

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