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Davescamaro 05-13-2020 07:32 AM

If I remember also correctly. Doesnt it get stored into the data table? Basically their are 15 different programs stored into the PCM, hence where the car adapts to your driving habits and stores the data.

Last tune I recalled they dyno tuned it and told the owner to drive hard for a few days to store that adaptive driving into the table. Sounds right?

wookwook 05-13-2020 08:41 AM

I haven't seen the same kind of chatter on adaptive tuning on E80A as there is for Ford, vis a vis F150 adaptive trans. It took a long time for my F150 trans to settle down after loading my 5-star bdx tune. Its all over the forums over there. I reset the learning mode a time or 2 and it settled down. But - right again. I don't know about 15 or any number, but its generally agreed that accessing the innards is not dissimilar to creating a Boeuf Bourguignon while using oven mitts. You get interfaces that may or may not apply, so while I'm thinking out loud, this is a stumbling block for legacy tuners. If you think of yourself as a symphony conductor as opposed to being a mozart, it will better align you to being successful in understanding it.

The drive hard part - its the driving easy part that's the challenge lol. But that said, for me personally, being able to tune and test in small spaced out increments has proven out well. That's why if you load a racechip, or get your first tune loaded, After the first ECU sleep you can hear obvious engine sensing going on. I mean it really obvious when you make big changes. After some remapping, getting it to closed loop for a good settling run, if you haven't gone outside the envelope of alert boundaries, it wont code, or it will if you did set something that went out of sensor boundaries.

Anyone ever look at bollinger bands on a stock chart? its a moving average window, I think the internal maps work in the same way. If there's a big variation suddenly, then its a code. Or on the other hand, people report they get code for a CAI after it worked for so long. So there it seems there are practical hard limits too, so if your trim tabs are skewing because you never mapped the MAF, then there is a hard boundary ppl run up against, until like a hard winter low pressure system settles in in their area, like a guy from miami had some time ago on here.


Evil-Bee-NH 05-14-2020 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by wookwook (Post 10788799)
I haven't seen the same kind of chatter on adaptive tuning on E80A as there is for Ford, vis a vis F150 adaptive trans. It took a long time for my F150 trans to settle down after loading my 5-star bdx tune. Its all over the forums over there. I reset the learning mode a time or 2 and it settled down. But - right again. I don't know about 15 or any number, but its generally agreed that accessing the innards is not dissimilar to creating a Boeuf Bourguignon while using oven mitts. You get interfaces that may or may not apply, so while I'm thinking out loud, this is a stumbling block for legacy tuners. If you think of yourself as a symphony conductor as opposed to being a mozart, it will better align you to being successful in understanding it.

The drive hard part - its the driving easy part that's the challenge lol. But that said, for me personally, being able to tune and test in small spaced out increments has proven out well. That's why if you load a racechip, or get your first tune loaded, After the first ECU sleep you can hear obvious engine sensing going on. I mean it really obvious when you make big changes. After some remapping, getting it to closed loop for a good settling run, if you haven't gone outside the envelope of alert boundaries, it wont code, or it will if you did set something that went out of sensor boundaries.

Anyone ever look at bollinger bands on a stock chart? its a moving average window, I think the internal maps work in the same way. If there's a big variation suddenly, then its a code. Or on the other hand, people report they get code for a CAI after it worked for so long. So there it seems there are practical hard limits too, so if your trim tabs are skewing because you never mapped the MAF, then there is a hard boundary ppl run up against, until like a hard winter low pressure system settles in in their area, like a guy from miami had some time ago on here.


I'll bite... Bill hold my mutherfvckin :happy0180: broski!

this is what people who have no clue are reading when you post.

import ault;
import ault_Exception;

import java.util.List;

import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

public class CreateWebSource
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
System.out.println( "" );

if ( args == null || args.length != 4 )
"Usage:\n CreateWebSource <webServiceURL> <userName> <password> <webSourceURL>"
// Get web service URL from command-line arguments
String webServiceURL = args[0];
System.out.println( "Using web service URL "" + webServiceURL + ""\n" );

// Get username and password
String userName = args[1];
String password = args[2];

// Get stateless web service client
AdminPortType adminPort =
getStatelessWebServiceClient( webServiceURL );

// Create Credentials object for operations
Credentials credentials = new Credentials();
credentials.setUserName( userName );
credentials.setPassword( password );

// 1. Create a simple web source
String webSourceURL = args[3];
String webSourceXML =
"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>" +
"<search:config productVersion="" xmlns:search="">" +
" <search:sources>" +
" <search:webSource>" +
" <search:name>web1</search:name>" +
" <search:startingUrls>" +
" <search:startingUrl>" +
" <search:url>" + webSourceURL + "</search:url>" +
" </search:startingUrl>" +
" </search:startingUrls>" +
" </search:webSource>" +
" </search:sources>" +


// 2. Export all sources to show the full definition
ObjectOutput oo = adminPort.exportAll(
System.out.println("Web Source XML = \n" + oo.getObjectXML() );

// 3. Create a source group for the source
String sourceGroupXML =
"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>" +
"<search:config productVersion="" xmlns:search="">" +
" <search:sourceGroups>" +
" <search:sourceGroup>" +
" <search:name>Web</search:name>" +
" <search:assignedSources>" +
" <search:assignedSource>web1</search:assignedSource>" +
" </search:assignedSources>" +
" </search:sourceGroup>" +
" </search:sourceGroups>" +


System.out.println("Created source group...");

// 4. Create a schedule for the web source
String scheduleXML =
"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>" +
"<search:config productVersion="" xmlns:search="">" +
" <search:schedules>" +
" <search:schedule>" +
" <search:name>schedule1</search:name>" +
" <search:crawlingMode>ACCEPT_ALL</search:crawlingMode>" +
" <search:recrawlPolicy>PROCESS_CHANGED</search:recrawlPolicy>" +
" <search:frequency>" +
" <search:manual/>" +
" </search:frequency>" +
" <search:assignedSources>" +
" <search:assignedSource>web1</search:assignedSource>" +
" </search:assignedSources>" +
" </search:schedule>" +
" </search:schedules>" +


System.out.println("Created schedule...");

// 5. Start the schedule

// Create object key for schedule name
ObjectKey objectKey = new ObjectKey();
AdminKeyPair keyPair = new AdminKeyPair();
keyPair.setKeyName( "name" ); // schedules identified by name
keyPair.setKeyValue( "schedule1" ); // schedule name
objectKey.getAdminKeyPairs().add( keyPair );


System.out.println("Started schedule...");
System.out.println("Waiting 30 seconds to get status...");
Thread.sleep( 30000 );

// 6. Use object key above to get schedule state
oo = adminPort.getState(
null, // request all state properties

System.out.println("Schedule state XML = " + oo.getObjectXML() );
catch (AdminAPIRuntimeFault_Exception e)
AdminAPIRuntimeFault runtimeFault = e.getFaultInfo();
System.out.println("Caught AdminAPIRuntimeFault");
System.out.println(" message = " + runtimeFault.getMessage() );
System.out.println(" errorCode = " + runtimeFault.getErrorCode() );
System.out.println(" causeMessage = " + runtimeFault.getCauseMessage() );
System.out.println(" stackTrace = " );
e.printStackTrace( System.out );
System.out.println(" causeStackTrace = \n" + runtimeFault.getCauseStackTrace() );
catch (Throwable t)
System.out.println("Caught unexpected run-time exception");
System.out.println(" message = " + t.getMessage() );
System.out.println(" stackTrace = " );
t.printStackTrace( System.out );

* Initializes and returns a stateless admin web service client.
private static AdminPortType getStatelessWebServiceClient(
String webServiceURL) throws Exception
AdminService adminService = new AdminService(
new URL( webServiceURL ),
new QName(

return adminService.getAdmin();

This is what people who have a clue on this platform or even a mediocre grasp are reading.

OMFG STFU why are you still talking about this stuff you really have no clue!!!!

cooper1965 05-14-2020 08:16 PM

Evil-Bee-NH, this may just be your most Epic post of ALL time, that hasn't been banned... Yet.. Lol!!

wookwook 05-14-2020 08:25 PM

that was pretty good. you miss spelt you. "Your". I thought it made sense. humph.

Evil-Bee-NH 05-14-2020 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by cooper1965 (Post 10790089)
Evil-Bee-NH, this may just be your most Epic post of ALL time, that hasn't been banned... Yet.. Lol!!

Ya I'm sure someone will be a snowflake and whine but nothing I said was hateful or derogatory just a very valid opinion on what we all think.

wookwook 05-15-2020 06:27 AM

Lucky i had my deluxe fire suit on. He's just upset because NED is pushed back another 2 weeks.

If I go to a colder plug, should I get the small gap or stay with the factory, is that like .033?

Evil-Bee-NH 05-15-2020 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by wookwook (Post 10790280)
Lucky i had my deluxe fire suit on. He's just upset because NED is pushed back another 2 weeks.

If I go to a colder plug, should I get the small gap or stay with the factory, is that like .033?

Your right on NED but really I get your an engineer but all that info is useless to any car but yours if that's what your seeing.

wookwook 05-15-2020 12:30 PM

I am clueless. Nowhere did I even say anything like that. I was just talking about my general experience and the same sentiments others have shared. No you can't just plug numbers in Willy nilly. That's how you brake engines. Even if I was a blabbering moron, anyone can use the genv book (myself included) and get a halfway decent improvement. That doesn't make them an expert either. I guess I missed the point.

wookwook 05-15-2020 01:12 PM

But that's ok, we're off to a rough start but when your ready, we can move on to the next lesson.


Evil-Bee-NH 05-15-2020 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by wookwook (Post 10790517)
But that's ok, we're off to a rough start but when your ready, we can move on to the next lesson.


You mean the lesson where you take me to Gapplebee's?

wookwook 05-15-2020 06:22 PM

Yeah. That's the one.

cooper1965 05-15-2020 06:28 PM

My money is on Evil, as long as they work out the E ;)

wookwook 05-15-2020 06:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 1032089

I would love to knock retard this c400 in front of me. Drksde my ass

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