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in category Chevrolet Camaro (5th Generation)
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This group is for owners/enthusiasts of black Camaros from any year and model. Whether its all black or black with stripes, this is the place for all things black. Post up pictures of your Camaro or discuss vehicle care to keep that black beauty looking brand new. Lets make black the largest exterior color social group on camaro5!!!
709 |
25 |
396 |
513 |
11:53 AM
Welcome to the Hampton Roads Camaro Club (HRCC) site. We are located in Virginia and have members from many areas of the tidewater region. We as a club are in our 8th year. The years have went by so fast. Since the start we have done many fun things such as a road trip to the Camaro5 fest in Indianapolis, road trips to the Camaro Nationals in Frederick, Maryland and GM Nationals in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, laps for charity around Richmond International Raceway, and a trip to Belmont Farms Distillery in Culpeper, Virginia.
The members of this car club have made it what it is. It’s better in person to share what the club is really about. Come on out and be a part of the club and all the things we have to offer. So get out and join us for our 8th year. Our goal is to have fun and to celebrate the legendary Camaro.
This isn’t just a car club, it’s a family and yes all years are welcome (1967-2018). Last but not forgotten, your family needs to be involved, so bring them with you.
123 |
288 |
3,897 |
321 |
04:22 PM
We are "the swarm" !!!!!
This group is for all people who own yellow camaros of any kind- yellow, yellow with stripes, transformer editions, bumblebee look alikes, old camaros, new camaros, ect.. It just has to be yellow. We can discuss many things for example meetings, paint & detailing issues, mods, performance, general car issues, whatever, ect.. Things the other color camaro owners might not understand. We won't descriminate against you if you have a V-6 or a Bumblebee. We understand what it is like to own a yellow camaro, and unless you do then, well, you won't understand the yellow way. JUST KIDDING ! but your car does have to be yellow!
425 |
29 |
361 |
306 |
01:21 AM
Anybody who has ever owned a Camaro of any model, year, V6/V8 or even the Iron Duke, doesn't matter. If you have owned a Camaro you are allowed in this club. It doesn't matter if it was 40 years ago, or you still own it today. Sign in, tell us about your ride.
576 |
63 |
139 |
272 |
10:35 AM
We want to invite all Camaro owners who love their cars and want to meet other Camaro owners who share in their passion for their rides. We will meet at least 4 times a year to socialize and just have a good time. Anyone interested in going to car shows, maybe even convoy to the event.
121 |
189 |
1,277 |
189 |
02:31 PM
Group of Camaro Owners (future owners too) that have HONORABLY Served in the US Military! Active, Retired and Separated service members that want to brag about your Camaros are welcome.
Family Members... You are welcome too!!!
555 |
70 |
311 |
187 |
04:20 PM
Just a group for those of us with CYBER GRAY METALLIC Camaros
234 |
19 |
114 |
179 |
06:32 PM
this group is open to any female Camaro fans and owners, or if you are the primary driver of the family Camaro
404 |
51 |
384 |
179 |
09:54 PM
This is a group for young camaro owners (no offense to the older camaro owners) that want to show off their brand new camaros! Now i consider young people 30 or younger. I myself am a 20 year old and i really want to see how many young camaro owners are actually out there! So lets see who has the nicest camaro out of us young people!
488 |
41 |
186 |
152 |
09:44 AM
A group for all LLT members post some pics and share with the rest of us.....GO TEAM LLT!
A quote for the SS guys: "It is a V6 would not understand."
489 |
24 |
86 |
145 |
03:36 AM
Join if you got a white camaro
226 |
10 |
44 |
128 |
03:51 PM
Love the rarest 2010 Camaro of all? Have no need for leather, extra buttons and gadgets? Love steel wheels? This group is for you!
182 |
12 |
247 |
127 |
02:08 AM
Mid Michigan Camaro Owners meeting to share their experiences and have some fun. No memberships, schedules or dues and all are welcome.
81 |
94 |
429 |
125 |
06:33 AM
Welcome Camaro Lover's! If You Love Camaro's "Add Group" Anyone Is Welcomed From Every State. I Made This Group For Everyone That Love Cars & Mods. Your V.I.P Join Share Your Stories & Expierences. This Isn't Just My Group Think Of It As Your Group. Please Feel Free To Post Pictures Of Your Camaros And Interact With Members In Every State Across The Country.
457 |
30 |
471 |
123 |
06:27 PM
254 |
47 |
600 |
122 |
07:56 AM
This is a group for all of my special freinds that I have had the privilege and honor of meeting at different events and Car Shows throughout the US and Canada. Please feel free to post any questions or information that you would like to share with everyone. Have fun and enjoy the Camaro and the people associated with them. Good Friends are like Stars. You don't always see them but they are always there..
Blackhawk6 (aka Terry)
118 |
105 |
1,060 |
111 |
05:15 PM
40+, owns (or will own) IOM Camaro
120 |
25 |
73 |
111 |
09:10 PM
this group is for anyone that owns, or just loves the RJT color on the 2010 Camaro
102 |
9 |
69 |
108 |
09:55 AM
Camaro Club in the Inland Empire and the West Coast
55 |
8 |
15 |
100 |
03:07 PM
Owners of the new 2SS Camaro equipped with the transformers package.
85 |
14 |
33 |
100 |
01:52 AM