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Phastek Performance

Conversation Between PQ and zebra
Showing Visitor Messages 131 to 140 of 216
  1. PQ
    07-05-2011 07:00 PM
    He's gonna call me later. He said if it is a shift supervisor then he won't ask. You had to get pulled over by the big dawg didn't you? lol
  2. zebra
    07-05-2011 06:41 PM
    gotcha. well even if it don't work out, thanks so much for trying.
  3. PQ
    07-05-2011 06:27 PM
    haha, Yup.

    Saw you called. Got people here in the lobby.

    You might be out of luck on the deal. I'll know more later but I guess the guy who you dealt with is a shift supervisor. Steve would be afraid to ask if that's the case. He could get in trouble. The holliday weekend had all of them out, even the supervisors. he said he'll call me.
  4. zebra
    07-05-2011 06:25 PM
    changing sig pics again?
  5. PQ
    05-14-2011 10:00 AM
    I thought it was possible that we weren't getting acurate results. You'd think that Chris would be able to pull on me better than he did when we raced. He was gaining, but not 80 rwhp worth.
  6. zebra
    05-14-2011 02:37 AM
    oh yeah, good point...

    maybe somebody broke it between you two
  7. PQ
    05-14-2011 12:52 AM
    That would make sense for me but Chris put down 550 on that dyno.
  8. zebra
    05-13-2011 10:20 PM

    hey IRPQ - this might make you feel a little better
  9. PQ
    04-07-2011 09:07 PM
    Left my phone at home.......

    But anyway, I am not going to J-Ville now. I got too much to do . Gonna have to work an extra day. Plus the second broken control arm I had to put in yesterday delayed my alignment. Which I may not be able to get til Monday.
  10. zebra
    04-07-2011 08:51 PM
    hey man. i called earlier to tell you that i've currently got an EFI Live scan tool while i'm getting Penny re-tuned, and if Doc can use it to just datalog your car & write a new tune, it'll save you a trip to Jax.

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