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Griffin Motorsports

Conversation Between boxmonkeyracing and Angrybird 12
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
  1. boxmonkeyracing
    12-15-2009 03:36 PM
    yea. well if the value of your house is anywhere near what I pulled up. I'd look for houses out side the area. and post it at the lower end of what it might be worth and sell it by owner.

    what I'm considering doing is selling my house by owner for about 4k more then I paid. housing market in my are has gone up. thanks to my neighbors paying more for theirs then I did mine.
  2. Angrybird 12
    12-15-2009 07:39 AM
    Angrybird 12
    Same old stuff going on here.. just waiting for the first of the year to get the Camaro and then trying to find a job even harder...
  3. boxmonkeyracing
    12-14-2009 07:53 PM
    what's up?
  4. boxmonkeyracing
    11-24-2009 04:08 PM
    serving turky pretty much all day. other then that no. same with christmas.
  5. Angrybird 12
    11-24-2009 10:08 AM
    Angrybird 12
    Are they planning anything special for you guys on Thanksgiving? Wish you could be here, Your Aunt Ann isn't doing well...
  6. boxmonkeyracing
    11-22-2009 07:33 PM
    put you to work. lol. helping me put my fence up.
  7. Angrybird 12
    11-22-2009 07:24 PM
    Angrybird 12
    Well tony we will probably be able to make it down shortly after you get back from overthere... We hope...
  8. boxmonkeyracing
    11-22-2009 07:16 PM
    oh well. I just don't know when i'm going to make it back up that way. and well I'd like to see my family
  9. Angrybird 12
    11-22-2009 07:09 PM
    Angrybird 12
    Well like I said it's too far in advance, I don't know what i will be doing then, Eastman may call me up after the first of the year for work as an LSE and Sandra only gets her schedule one month in advance...
  10. boxmonkeyracing
    11-22-2009 06:59 PM
    I wish. lol. but I do see many on the forums. I wish you could give me an answer on the whole outer banks trip. we are trying to reserve a house right now. near kitty hawk.

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