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Griffin Motorsports

Eagle Talon 2017
Her latest photos and upcoming additions
IMG 1133
IMG 1181
DCCB5812 8DC2 4C2A A32D 28969C3F983E
IMG 1125
IMG 1126
IMG 1112
IMG 1107
IMG 1110 
OMGosh!! This thing is finally complete. 😎 It is gorgeous! The front casing is copper coated. The rear casing had to be polished and not copper coated because we couldn't get the...
Camaro Fest put a photo of the Eagle on their Facebook page. I thought that was nice. 😊
IMG 1067
Yay!! Ok, so the Aero Stort Concepts rear diffuser and rocker panels are here! 😃 Also the carbon fiber vinyl wrap. I have to say Aero SC really has made an elegant and beautifully engineered...
IMG 1005 
Aero Sport Consepts rear diffuser.
Aero Sport Concepts rocker panel extensions
IMG 1021 
Polished OEM tensioner and copper bushing
steering bracket with copper inserts installed. I need to modify and reinstall the tank cover though.
Creating washer logo for cap. Making logo from 24 gauge aluminum sheet. These pieces are very tiny and tedious to make. The water spray pieces are 1/16" x 3/32"! 😳🙄😳 what the #@ll was I...
Copper capped windshield washer cap with pollished aluminum washer logo.
I decided to add the DOT 3 to the cap! I think it makes it cooler.
A newer photo with copper accents in the engine bay. More to come over time.
IMG 0984 
Just finished applying protecta clear to these lug nuts, pulley bushings and alternator casing.
IMG 0969 Finnished installing the Aero Sport Concepts canards/rock guards. I have the lower rocker panels. Should be receiving the lower rear difuser kit next Tuesday. My plans for those are to put...
image. Copper rotor covers installed. Nice touch I think!

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