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Old 07-04-2017, 11:41 AM   #1

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thank you all for your prayers -- sincerely!!!

Thank you all for your kindness and thoughts and prayers and cards and such. I am humbled and grateful like there's no tomorrow. I have no recollection of my time at Allegheny General Hospital other than waking up on my bedroom floor hALF in and half out of a suitcase. (Don't ask...........)

I remember thinking "well, you're screwed now......" and falling back asleep.

I remember my sis in law kathy coming to the front door and opening and yelling up the stairs -- and coming up to find me laying in a pool of (vomit) and freaking out. The look on her face when she went back outside to call the paramedics said it all.

I remember the ride (or portions of it) from the back of the ambulance to AGH -- but I lost consciousness as they removed me from the ambulance. I remember nothing of the stay -- which lasted about two weeks. No rememberance of the operation or my favorite nurse Diane or the Kentucky derby (which I claimed was 'interesting' )

My first recollection was waking up in another hospital -- that one being Western Pennsylvania Hospital -- which has a rehab clinic. (rather large one at that --) Then on to "Condordia Rebecca Residence" and then to "Maplewood" in Cuyahoga FAlls, Ohio. (thank you morgan Iorio for helping to save my life.......)

I've been thru so much in such a short time -- but I'm a miracle according to the docs. I've recovered so much and I'm grateful for all the thoughts and well wishes and prayers. Now to continue my rehab at home -- see you later this summer at a I filled in my schedule with all kinds of Camaro/Firebird shows but alas, missed going to a bunch of them due to my stroke.

Godspeed all!!!!!
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