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Old 10-27-2015, 11:17 AM   #12
Dodges all the cones
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If I had $45k cash hanging around, *not doing anything*, I'd use that as a down payment on a $90k car.

Can I float the full price? Yep. But my $$ is better off used on investments that yield more than the 2-3% interest that I pay on the car loan. Figure a 5 year loan for $45k is ~$800/month for 60 months. So, make 1st payment, and I still have $44,200 to invest. Every month, I usually am making more than 3% return than the loan, so that's $$ in *my* bank. Next month, take another $800 out, but reinvest my interest, rinse, repeat. (All the while ignoring what people have for down payment, or trade-in value on their existing cars to defray the cost of the loan).

At the end of the term of 5 years, I should have about $10k in MY pocket left over through NOT giving the bank the $45k up front, but instead investing it.

To use your words...

So now that you have some background on that...any of you care to explain your thoughts on the matter of why you made the choice to buy and if you are paying one upfront price, what is it that you feel justifies the purchase? For instance, the thrill of ownership alone, the fact you can't budget properly, feeling like you shouldn't have a car payment, etc. Not looking to be swayed...just interested in hearing others' thoughts on the matter.

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