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Old 04-23-2015, 06:21 PM   #14
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Relax, this is about altering 1s and 0s, not preventing you from replacing your brake pads. Even though that article is clearly meant to drum up the ire of gearheads, they still said this:
The general premise is that unlike cars of the past, today’s vehicles are so advanced and use such a large amount of software and coding in their general makeup, altering said code could be dangerous and possibly even malicious.


the law would hypothetically protect automakers from pesky owners looking to alter any sort of technology in the vehicle that relates to the onboard computer
That makes it pretty clear what the intention and scope of this proposal is. And for the most part, I agree. About the only exception that I think should be made would be related to engine tuning. But mucking around in the control systems related to vehicle safety (which includes elements of the infotainment system) shouldn't be allowed imo.
Note, if I've gotten any facts wrong in the above, just ignore any points I made with them
Originally Posted by FbodFather
My sister's dentist's brother's cousin's housekeeper's dog-breeder's nephew sells coffee filters to the company that provides coffee to General Motors......
........and HE WOULD KNOW!!!!

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