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Old 07-04-2014, 01:15 AM   #11

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Location: City of Champions, Alabama
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It was so dad gum loooonnnnnnggggg. I saw it Sunday, it's now Thursday, seriously my butt still hurts from sitting there. My buddy got up and walked around for a while in the middle. I should have joined him.

So I've heard several people say it was the best one yet. I don't buy that. I kind of saw the third one. I had a crappy version on some rip off dvd that I suffered through. Had a lot going on in my life, and as terrible as it is I didn't have time to go buy a proper copy and sit down and really watch it.

But comparing 1,2 and 4. I don't put 4 at the top. I still have to go with 1 probably being my favorite and I still think 2 is better than 4. Do I think 4 was bad. No, just needed to hurry up a little. It's not really about the length, just that it seemed to move slow at times. But I do like that they left us with unanswered questions. So I look forward to what's next. Glad old toe thumbs is out for good. She might be a good enough reason for me to skip the turtle thing.
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