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Old 03-24-2014, 11:15 AM   #166
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Originally Posted by Sesiom Summers View Post
I just hope this 6 gen don't take any references from 2th gen... the new camaro should have just stick a straight and strong American muscle design, no soft line design like a euro car, and that's all what 2th gen is ...

then again they made it right with the 3th gen, straight lines, and good and aggressive design... and then they screw it up again with the 4 gen (is the same 3th gen lines but smoded), please dont get me wrong (I even have a 4th z28 and I love it)... every camaro gen is nice and different.. is like a color in a rainbow, but you have to admit the 2th and 4th gen are the weakest design compared to 1st, 3th, and 5th gen, but seen what GM done with the C7 and the SS (sedan) Im 110% sure it would be a really good looking car

Terrific composite pic of Camaro styling. Relative to Mustang Camaro has always been plus size, exception being the 2000-2002. That Camaro has 101" wheelbase, and an engine that trounced anything the stock S95 Mustangs offered. The 2002 Camaro/Firebird out performed Mustang in straight line, and road course driving by large numbers. [Car&Driver, Motor Trend, Road&Track]
However, GM discontinued production, Mustang was out selling both. There were some Mustang specialty editions like Cobra-R, and Cobra that not only bettered Camaro, in the day, they out performed Corvette and Viper. Those were low volume high dollar vehicles I discount, because the average muscle car buyer was not going to buy them.

It is interesting that history repeats itself. When the '67 Camaro came out, I did not drive yet, but got a ride in a new one with an older buddy. It was just bigger everywhere than the Mustang. When Gen5 Camaro came out, same, it was just bigger everywhere than S197 Mustang. Wheels, tires, wb, track, width, length, HP, Torque, weight, gas consumption etc.

There is true '67 style keys in Gen5 Camaro. It will be interesting to see where the Gen 6 Camaro goes. One of the things that hurt Camaro sales eighties, nineties, and the Y2k models was interior quality. GM cut a corner on UV stabilizer additives in the injection molded plastic. There is plenty of plastic in Camaros. It just faded, degraded, cracked, and fell apart. Stereos, speakers, accessories, Hvac, and upholstery were disappointments. I have read some complaints of that sort about Gen5s, but I believe in the main the interior quality is far better than the Camaro history. Today, if you don't build a quality car, it will not sell, there are too many quality choices in the market.
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