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Old 11-23-2013, 11:36 AM   #131

Drives: 1998 Nissan, 2010 Camaro
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Dallas, Tx
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Originally Posted by Fenderaddict2 View Post
So again, just so I'm clear, those who bought a V6 Camaro (or V6 Mustang, for that matter) should have bough a Camry instead because the Camaro is a Musclecar, and if you don't want a Camaro Musclecar, you have no right to buy one?!?!!?
Why do you keep bringing the V6 into this? No one is arguing against the V6, however a TTI4 is actually a threat to a V6, so if anyone is against a V6 it's the 4 cylinder fans. Also, does anyone even know if the 4 cylinder actually has better gas mileage than the V6 in the same car? I'd be willing to bet it doesn't.

Originally Posted by Fenderaddict2 View Post
Mustang II was a sales success BTW. And the Mustang has never stopped production, and Ford was able to find private joey rather than turn to a Government for a bailout, so I'm quite sure they know what people want. I will give it to GM for being the world's largest automaker, but compare the range of offerings required to hold that position. I rather GM make more money, than sell more volume. I'd like to see both GM and Ford continue to do we'll, and I feel the anti $ bias is short-sighted and damaging to the future of the cars we love. There should laws be a V8 option, but without volume there will be no option at all.
You contradict yourself here. The Mustang II was a sales success, but GM gets knocked for having too many offerings? You'd like GM to put profits over volume, and yet you're arguing for a 4 cylinder car specifically for volume. You should listen to yourself.

GM needs to sell cars people want to buy. They don't have to reinvent the wheel.
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