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Old 11-12-2013, 12:51 AM   #187
Dances With Mustangs
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Originally Posted by Chaotic73 View Post
1987 El Camino

That's really really stretching it. They both have quad headlights, a grille in the center and two running lights below....and that's about all the resemblance if you want to call it that.

I didn't say a 2013 Charger I said a 1969 Charger

Again that's stretching it. The vague similarities are the blacked out back and two horizontal tail lights but that's not much.

Originally Posted by Chaotic73 View Post
I seriously don't see how anyone could say they look alike.

They don't look alike. They aren't supposed to. If they looked alike it wouldn't be an evolutionary upgrade, would it? There's a clear family resemblance in the front shape of the grille which gives it an identity link to the current 5th gen refresh. The side view is different; it's still a coke bottle waist style but sharper and more defined. The back is my offering as an alternative to the 2014 refresh back which I complained about. Rather than just complain I've offered something positive and constructive.

Unless and until the design starts to evolve beyond retro and what's current, the Camaro platform isn't going to make progress. My goal was to upgrade, refine, clean-up, sharpen and focus the design to something that looks fast, powerful, capable and looks like it can do more than run the 1/4 mile. This is a muscle/road GT that's fast in the corners too. It doesn't look like it's from overseas; it looks like an American design and it doesn't look like it's from any other manufacturer than GM, and within GM the only car family it looks like it belongs to is the Camaro. If this were on the street, and people didn't see it from the front, it wouldn't take long for them to figure out what it is.

Like I've said, I get that you don't like the design but you seem to be spending a lot of time in a thread about a design concept you don't like. I'm okay that you don't like it; okay? I'm not going to change the design because you think it vaguely resembles a couple of cars from the past. I don't agree with your assessment at all. I like it; I would buy it if they built it; if I could afford it I'd build it myself. I know not everyone would like it but that's fine; no matter what you do there's always somebody who doesn't like it. Somebody not liking it isn't a reason to stop designing or creating, nor is it a reason to give up the joy such a process gives.

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