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Old 04-18-2013, 08:29 AM   #19
Hannibal's Avatar
Drives: Camaro SS & ZL1
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Southeast USA
Posts: 527
There are a number of things to consider here. I'm unsure how old you are but back in the day when you purchased a "muscle car" off the lot, the beast was 100% mechanical. Springs and metal rods were used to open up the carbs. This gave you instant access to all of the power the car had to offer. I still remember burying my foot into my 1970 GTX 440 six pack on the way home from the dealer. My God, talk about neck breaking.

Today, while the horse power and torque numbers are back were they were in the late 60s, technology has stepped in to change how these new cars ride and perform. Computers dole out torque and horsepower in a much more smooth and civilized fashion. You just don't get the "seat of your pants neck breaking" ride of the past. Some say the new refinements make the cars much more pleasurable to drive. I happen to think that this is a load of sh... but I digress.

The point is, the car wont come to life until about 7,000 miles are on the clock. As others have said, GM has said that the power band on these cars was set above 3500 RPM so that the car could be tamely driven around town. Either get used to it or accept that you have to dump thousands into the car in order to make it run like you feel it should.
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