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Old 02-16-2013, 02:34 PM   #301

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Originally Posted by Captain Awesome View Post
You have it ALL WRONG.

The real questions is: At what point has the government FINISHED their transporation regulations?

You would think that after 100 years of cars and car regulations, that they would have figured out what lights we need, how many MPH our bumpers must take, and what MPGs we should have, don't you?

A common misconception or intentional misrepresentation of certain politiicians is that people who argue for less regulation are "anti regulation" and those who argue for smaller government are "anti government". This is totally wrong. There are roles for regulation and government that are clearly defined. People reject the OVERREACH beyond those definitions.

The problem is that the regulators NEED to keep regulating and re-regulating, because even though the number of things that can be regulated is finite, they will be out of a job if they ever finish the task.

Therefore, we have regulations on top of regulations ammending regulations, and updating regulations. Same for laws too. There's no end. The job of the regulator is FIRST to protect their own jobs by constantly rewriting regulations.

Did you know that in the past 3 months the governernment has put our nearly 6,000 regulations?

Regulations put a drag on the economy be the sheer work needed to keep up with them and follow them. The private sector spends $500 BILLION a year just in regulation compliance. This is dragging the economy into the mud.

We regulate things and then change the regulations the next year, and people waste tremendous time becuase nothing is ever the same and so more time and money is wasted.

There's a certain finite number of regulations we need, and the rest are just regulators trying to protect their jobs, plus a certain amount of regulations being created because the party in control wants to use them as a tool to change the society. WE DO NOT NEED THIS.

Most, if not all of the regulations you cited are completely unnecessary because they would be done voluntarily by carmakes because of consumer demand or as the result of lawsuits long since decided.

Do we REALLY need backup sensors on every car? Do we REALLY need stability control on every car? Do we really need CHMSL on every car?
You'd think with all the regulations being passed, insurance companies would re-assess their premiums? I mean, should'nt they? Nahhh their mentality is that of the regulatory commissions. To suck the economy dry.

Life is short, drive it like you stole it!
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