Thread: Change of heart
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Old 08-16-2010, 07:57 PM   #7
Drives: My Two Feet
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: NYC
Posts: 144
The only reason I'm condisering it is cuz its just a tad bit more than an SS and if I can afford to get the SS I can affors a $40000 Z06. And as far as my credit goes I don't come from a rich family or anything close to it. I've had to work very hard for eververything I have. And when your comming from a very low incomesituation you tend to run into a few problems with paying stufff on time. I've just recenlty been able to get on my feet very well financialy and started fixing my credit but its a process. Not everyone has a silver spoon in there mouth as a kid. I did some dumb stuff growing up and now I'm paying for it but I'm not gonna let that stop me.
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