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Old 02-17-2024, 09:04 AM   #8
Drives: 2021 SS 1LE
Join Date: Mar 2023
Location: Planet Earth
Posts: 80
My car, bought used, came with a LoJak (long story - tl;dr - it was baked into the OTD price I negotiated and didn't realize it till I was signing papers). I pulled out the unit under the dash that tapped into the OBD Port and somewhere else for power.

When putting the rollbar and seat in I found another box under the carpet. I tore it down and it didn't have a GPS chip in it, it did have a cell radio and 4 foot long wire that looked like an antenna coming out of it. I suspect its the unit that broadcasts a signal that boxes in police cars pickup.

It was getting power through a vampire tap in the wiring bundle that runs up the driver's side door sill. There's no way I would have found it w/o pulling the driver's seat. If I were hiding something like a GPS receiver that feels like a goo dplace to put it -easy to get to - 2 bolts to lift the seat out of the way - but not easy to find.
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