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Old 03-25-2023, 11:45 AM   #28
Drives: 2021 SS 1LE
Join Date: Mar 2023
Location: Planet Earth
Posts: 80
Originally Posted by MichaelG View Post
A few months back I would have told you that I would never own an EV. I'm not driving an appliance.

However, after a few months of my wife twisting my arm, I finally bought her a Tesla Model 3. It's what she wanted and I don't have to drive it.

Well after owning it, and driving it, for 6 weeks. What is running through my head now, is wow, what if this car looked and handled like my Camaro.

I'm in if GM makes an EV that is truly a Camaro...

I've got a Model 3 Perf - Had it almost 2 years. Prior to that I had an Audi S3 for almost 4 years (and prior to that a string of other fast / fun cars).

The Tesla is overpriced for the build quality, but it is a fantastic piece of engineering that offsets it.

The near linear power delivery with AWD makes for seriously giggle inducing accleration.

Its a fantastic road trip car - we've done the NorCal -> SoCal trip a dozen times and done to Palm Springs, up to Tahoe, etc. The Autopilot takes a lot of the fatigue out of driving those long trips. We just drove up to Tahoe in my the truck ('04 2500HD Duramax) and after 6 hrs I was mentally tired from driving the truck - in the Tesla I just plop the autopilot on, keep a hand on the steering wheel and monitor it to make sure its not doing something dumb or dangerous.

The downside, and I think this is where I agree with you on the handling aspects. The handling can best be described as a Frightened Squirrel. The front end is darty, there's very little feedback in the steering, the tires are wowefuly too narrow for its overall weight and the brake provide little to no feedback which makes modulation difficult (for me).

I missed driving something that handled well and was, for lack fo a better term, 'fun' to drive. The Tesla, in its current form, isn't it. The Audi, for me, was a good compromise - it did road trips OK (had adaptive cruise control), but was also fun to drive and toss around.

For me I think teh combination fo the telsa for daily driving / road trips and the SS 1LE for, well.. driving like a hooligan, is a good combination. I dont' think Iw ould want an SS 1LE as my only daily driver. its harsh, loud, trunk access is shitty (I can't fit a bicycle in the trunk or back seat for example).

We may not like it, but electric (or hybrid) is the future. We are the dinosaurs now.
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