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Old 05-21-2022, 09:47 AM   #586
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Originally Posted by Martinjlm View Post
The big issue here is that cars like the ones we drive and talk about on this forum probably won’t make it to 2030. So find the one you love now. Cherish it and drive it until the day that you can’t drive anymore.
^This is what I plan to do.

As much as my posts appear to reflect negative views of EV, the truth is I am not optimistic or pessimistic. I am pragmatic.

I was an early advocate of EV automobiles dating back to 1996 with Horlacher AG. The concept was a small, efficient electric vehicle. Imagine my disgust when they started throwing batteries in huge sport-ute hybrids. Then Musk comes along with the S, an unaffordable tank with horrible resale value.

When you look around you and see the seas of apartment dwellers that will likely never have access to level 2 charging at home or run an extension cord with associated voltage drop out their window to trickle charge their EV... or wait in a long line while people top up their EV at a local charging station (average time 30 to 45 minutes each)

I have already mentioned the antiquated electrical grid and the fact that the money is simply not there to upgrade it. My daughter just wrote a white paper on how it actually benefits grid operators not to upgrade. And Texas and California asking people to scale back their electrical usage with our existing demand.

EVs work great right now for those with a home with 240 volt charger and perhaps a second car with ICE power for road trips. It's when you try to scale this up to the Nirvana future being proposed for the masses that you will have an untenable scenario. Pragmatically, it's not going to work folks.
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