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Old 05-06-2021, 08:56 AM   #335
Number 3
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Originally Posted by 90503 View Post
I have to agree that a non-ice Camaro should not happen. To try and mimic old ice engine sizes, etc., with EV variances is a joke. Software this, software that for models of certain prices with EVs would be nothing more than an obvious rip-off....Basically all evs will be the same...Cheese-ball intentionally programmed de-tuning and under performing to try and replicate ICE choices seems sort of juvenile...

If they can have a certain 0-60, give it to all of them...a max range, they should all get it...etc. Show the true nature of EVs...that is they are all the same. The very nature of EVs suggest one size fits all...anything less would be an insult to the customers intelligence...

Look at the gm video of the Ultium platform with an outline of every type of car, truck, suv, all superimposed over the same skateboard design. Wowee...what a difference.
That's not quite how it works.

Originally Posted by arpad_m View Post
Well, if die it must, then die it should, going out with the bang that the 6th gen is. Bastardizing a renowned brand like Ford did with the Mustang is pathetic.

Just my 2 cents'.
Ford put the name on an SUV. The discussion here is a Camaro with EV propulsion rather than ICE.

Originally Posted by Petrol Head View Post
That's the result of millenials in positions of power in big companies. Zero regard for history or tradition, if it ain't broke we must fix it. It's new, so it must be better. Just because we can definitely absolutely means we should no matter what.

F 'em.
Errrrr what Millennials are running GM. All Senior leaders that I know off are well over 40. Mary Barra was the class after me at GMI and I'm old, lol. Mark Reuss? Not a Millennial either.

Originally Posted by Hops View Post
Yeah, that kind of depressed me too. Although, battery thermal management, suspension and brakes are probably the future differentiators of a BEV performance car, those aren't trivial things.
There will be a lot of work to do for sure, especially for performance.

Originally Posted by arpad_m View Post
The best outcome IMO would be a total bifurcation. People that don't give a crap don't want to drive at all in the first place, let them have their autopiloted, near identical appliances and text away to their hearts' content. I have zero problems with that, in fact, it would help everyone, think 100% predictable "drivers" that don't pull stupid crap all the time, buried in their phone screens.

On the flip side, those that do care should absolutely have the option of buying, maintaining, servicing, tuning their own cars, be them ICE or EV. The market should be allowed to cater to all these demands.

It's this recent borg style, 'resistance is futile, you'll be assimilated' approach through force (taxes, "emission controls", legislation) is what I and Petrol Head and so many others oppose by principle, and this is what most EV proponents, the joyful welcomers of any new robotic overlords (even in this very thread) fail to respect and/or understand.
First, there is no reason to keep using the term appliance because it's electric. So take a Gen6 with all it's goodness and style, make it an EV and BAM it's now an appliance? Sorry, it's "put down" word and that's all.

Why do you think they will all look the same? Drive the same, Ride the same? They won't and can't. If that were the case and there was 0 differentiation between brands what would make you buy one vs the other?

Keep in mind if you aren't talking V8 power the engine is not a differentiator in most segments. It's a thing that moves the vehicle at an acceptable speed and acceleration and provides acceptable fuel economy. But there are many other attributes that separate a Honda from a Chevy to a Kia.

I'm not buying or selling on this. I'll miss ICE when they are gone or less of a choice. But what is very true is the Camaro is on life support. NO ONE IS BUYING. So rather than die, I'd love to see GM do something outstanding with great coupe (been saying that for 6 years) and make it the performance EV of choice. I don't believe it needs an ICE to move forward.
"Speed, it seems to me, provides the one genuinely modern pleasure." - Aldous Huxley
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