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Old 10-29-2020, 06:15 AM   #11
Nothing like an SS
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Originally Posted by LillyPinon View Post
Yes, it is a good idea. I would see chiropractic but at first, I need to check which is the best in my area.

Not to scare anyone, but I suggest understanding what the issue is BEFORE seeing a Chiropractor and definitely do not try to self diagnose. MRI is the only way to know exactly what is happening, especially if they do a contrast (injected dye before MRI).

Why do I say these things? My personal experience. I had back pain, lower lumbar for me, for many years. Lots of "take these pills, rest, etc." and it always felt better. Over the years recovery got worse. So, general practitioner Dr. sends me to Chiropractor who almost crippled me! When he started the scream that came out of me made him jump back! He said "You should not be here, see a specialist".

So, two MRIs' later I am the specialists office, he says "You WALKED in here today?". I did, he was stunned. I had three discs completely disintegrated, the vertebrae themselves were literally cracking and grinding together and cutting into the nerves, I had lost most use of my left leg by now and the constant pain was unbearable. I was also mostly permanently shaped like a question mark.

2004 I had three level spinal fusion, and I have never felt better! Chiropractor was close to completely severing nerves had he continued. Happy I can work the clutch in my Camaro! I wasn't sure for awhile if I would ever walk normal again.

The point, get opinions, see a specialist, get an MRI. Surgery is far easier to avoid these days, especially since you are not likely as bad as I was. But get all the medical facts before doing anything. Spinal issues and nerves are no joke, some damage cannot be reversed. I went many years before getting to the right answer, and unfortunately ended doing for more damage in the meantime.

Proceed with caution and seek all the advise you can medically. Best of luck, I hope it all works out for you!
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