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Old 08-20-2019, 02:25 AM   #6

CamaroFred's Avatar
Drives: Miss Con Ception
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Chicagoland
Posts: 2,998
I would suggest buying a set of winter tires and wheels. Go back to stock springs and loosen up the sways if it's to tight for the streets and drive it year-round. It's only going to cost you insurance and registration, right?

I turned 65 recently. when my left hip failed in 2014 I had to wonder about trading for an automatic. Fortunately, after I recovered I was just fine with the clutch. The same when a few years later my right shoulder was replaced. The worst part of that was right turns. Shifting wasn't an issue.

I am typing this at ~2AM because I can't sleep, my left shoulder pains me so much. I may need a new one of those soon.

I'm not afraid of the salt, my 1990 Beretta made it through 13 years of daily driving with no significant rust. A paint job would have been needed if I kept it any longer, but divide that cost over some years and that wouldn't be a significant expense. I've been driving my Camaro for the last 4 winters and it still looks like a garage queen.

I was retired when I bought my Camaro in 2011, driving less than 3,000 miles/year, not counting road trips. Even then I knew I might own it for the rest of my driving days. I still believe that.

It's my only car. I do have someone living with me who will go out if I need something when the weather is terrible, or I don't feel well enough to drive, or I need a ride to the doctor. So I don't need a second car.

Although I don't often drive hard enough to take full advantage of the Camaro's capabilities I can still leave a lot of drivers behind me. I still get compliments, it seems that will ever end. And I still love every minute behind the wheel.

Yesterday was a perfect weather day and I went for a joy ride. Spent an hour on some back roads and some higher speed 4-lanes. I am still smiling.

I suppose if I ever get to the point where I can't trust my brain enough to drive I will have to move it. But, by then, I probably won't notice. My oldest son will be my first choice. Hopefully he will give me a some rides when I feel like it.
I took my dad out a few weeks ago and he was loving it. Of course, we don't tell Mom. He's 90 now.

Maybe when you have to sell yours you can get a deal like that from the buyer.
2011 1SS/RS LS3 CGM
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