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Old 09-13-2018, 12:27 AM   #3

JamesNoBrakes's Avatar
Drives: 2SS 1LE
Join Date: Oct 2011
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It's fine unless you are having to depress the pedal all the way to the floor. At 60mph it will pass just fine in 6th, although not very fast. It really seems to lug if I let the speed decrease to about 45 mph in 6th, but it does just fine around 50mph. Again, if I have to depress the pedal more than about halfway to get acceleration, then I should shift. The other thing to consider is that while the car will purr along at 1000rpm all day long, you do need to exercise the RPM for the rings, so lots of highway miles at low RPM without ever revving up isn't the best thing, it should see higher RPMs too. The torque on tap though means you can get decent mpg without having to go to high RPM to maintain speed.
Everything happens for a reason, except when it doesn't, but even then, you can, in hindsight, fabricate a reason that satisfies your belief system.

2018 2SS 1LE
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