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Old 08-09-2018, 11:11 AM   #58
Boost Creep

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Drives: '18 1SS 1LE
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Originally Posted by Kobra_Klutch View Post
I appreciate your feedback. I thought one of the reasons that make the SS 1LE so track ready is because of the extra cooling it has so the flow-the does help with cooling, correct? Chevy released the SS 1LE pictures shortly after they revealed the 2016. I was hoping they would do the same with the 2019. It seems as if Chevy is more focused on marketing the new four-banger 1LE than the SS model. All in all I wish Chevy would release some more pix of the SS 1LE.
I think the consensus is the 1LE has the same cooling as the stock SS other than some rotor shields and whatnot.

The '19 update is solely cosmetic, no performance improvements other than some tech/rear camera/mirror bits.

The larger grill is just an illusion as the center bar still remains and blocks the same area as '16-'18 bumper bar.

The hood may allow more heat out, and may reduce front lift, but neither of those things were ever a problem on the early cars. At least nothing mentioned by any owners here.

It will be interesting to see them on the street. Every time I see a white Charger with the same grill design I knee jerk think "New Camaro?!?", but no, just another Dodge.
'18 1SS 1LE Black, PDR
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